RR: tba
As you can see from the screenshot, this is a large and good-looking map, which Chris has just released.  Lots of rooms and areas and lifts, all carefully planned and working well.  The only trouble is, I have not been able to play it for more than a few seconds before NAB shuts down on me, and I get a message like this:

Assertion failed:
[File:C:\Nerf\d3ddrv\src\Direct3D7.cpp][Line: 63]
History: UD3DRenderDevice::DrawComplexSurface <-URender::DrawFrame <-URender::DrawWorld <-
UGameEngine::Draw <-UWindowsViewport::Repaint <-UWindowsClient::Tick <- UGameEngine::Tick <-
UpdateWorld <-MainLoop

Now, hopefully you won't get this problem - but watch out for updates!  Chris has already tried adding more separate zones, but that doesn't stop me having the rather abrupt shut-down...

A third version is now out, renamed Fortress 1-5 - so you'd better grab that as well, and let's keep our fingers crossed that everything works okay for everyone...

available on the Star Wars Clan site!


the revised version of this map!