Imperial Base
RR: 8.5
Inform the troops - a new "Star Wars" themed map has arrived, and, unlike ATAT Barge Remix or TieBay Remix, this one is original to NAB, and made by Chris.  He admits that it doesn't have as much detail as some maps, but for play, the layout is the thing - and to show that there is quite a lot to this map, I've done what I don't often do, and gone to "ghost" to back off from the map, and take a screenshot, from a distance, of just about the whole thing, to show the various corridors and rooms.
  The zip file includes the "Deathstarpf" and "FalconBrown" Star Wars texture files - and, for other mappers, Chris has also put in the Imperial Shuttle and Tie Fighter models (t3d files), which aren't actually needed to play the map.  You may well have "Deathstarpf" already, it's probably needed for the other Star Wars maps.
   Anyway, it may be a bit grey and plain-looking in parts, but it seems to work well, and ought to be a good place for a nice, friendly game...