ABOUT THE GAME: "Nerf ArenaBlast" is a "first person shooter" computer game with a difference - players do not shoot "real" guns, as with the more adult-oriented Unreal Tournament and Quake III, but "nerf" weapons... "paintball", if you like. So, we play for points, not kills, and there is no blood, which makes "NAB" suitable for younger players, as well as people who prefer the less sinister approach. The Atari/Mattel Interactive computer game is widely available and played in America and Europe; it comes with a number of "arenas" to play in, but gamers themselves have made a lot of extra arenas (some original, some remixed from "UT") which can be easily downloaded and added to your map files. The online NAB community is not large, but it is friendly, so why not come and join us! A two-arena "demo" of the game can be downloaded - click the "Demo" button to try it.